Assessment is fundamental to supporting students’ progress and attainment. At Aston University, a wide range of assessment tools will be used to set targets, monitor progress and track the achievement of our students.

Efficient, up-to-date and accessible online reporting systems allow all staff in the Academy to work with accurate information about individual students to help them achieve challenging personal targets.

Target Setting.

Aston University Sixth Form will use average GCSE scores to assess the ability of Year 12 students. These scores determine the most appropriate curriculum pathway.

Assessing Progress.

Teachers will use a whole range of strategies to assess students’ learning each lesson. Self, peer and teacher assessment will be used along with formal assessment activities and tests. The results from these will be recorded electronically, providing ‘real-time’ data about student performance across the Academy.

Assessing Effort.

National evidence shows that, coupled with good teaching, academic progress is directly related to the amount of work a student does. For this reason we assess their effort in each subject each term.

Effort leads to progress when:

Expected Grades.

At regular intervals students' progress data across the academy is analysed. Teachers use this data to estimate the grade each student is likely to achieve at the end of their course. This grade is referred to as their  'Expected Grade' and is updated termly.

- Students arrive on time for lessons with the correct equipment.

- They are fully engaged in the lesson, actively participating.

- Homework and independent learning tasks are always complete and on time.

- Students go beyond expectations, respond positively to feedback by correcting mistakes and extending their learning.

- They don't give up.

Parental Progress Review Meetings.

Students must attend learning review sessions with their learning review tutor, in which they are challenged to evaluate their; progress, learning, and set themselves personal and group targets. 

We believe it is vital  that parents are part of this process and therefore as  parents you will have access to your child’s attainment data online. 

Twice a year student progress will be discussed with parents at a Progress Review meeting. Year 12 students will have 4 reviews during their 2 year courses. Towards the end of each year a formal report detailing progress and attainment in every subject will be issued to parents.